Once the search has found the contact to which you are going to link the item, double click on the contact's name from the 'Search' list using the left mouse button. If the contact doesn't exist in your filing system click on the 'New' button and enter the contact's details. (If you have created a new contact, their folder will appear in the New Contact pending tray from where you can relocate them into the main filing tree). Once you have done this, the contact's name should appear in the relevant box on the linking screen. Next, from the drop down list choose the name that is to be entered in the 'Attention of / Authored by' box. This list is limited to the system users who appear in the 'log on' list at start-up. |
To enter the dates, single click in each of the date boxes with the left mouse button and from the pop-up calendar click on the date that you want to appear in each box. To locate the correct month and year on the calendar use the arrow buttons. |
Q. I have linked a document to the wrong contact. How do I
unlink it? |
[Choosing an item to link] [Pending
tray options]
[Linking Options]
[Add another contact]